Hearth Shares: A Delicious Way to Make a Difference

It's Not Charity. It's Humanity.

This November and December, Boston area restaurants are teaming up with Hearth Shares to provide diners with an opportunity to add $1 or more to their dinner bill to support local efforts to end homelessness.

100 percent of diners' dollars go directly to effective nonprofits like Hearth and Friends of Boston's Homeless, thanks to support from Citizens Bank Foundation.

To learn more, watch the short video below. To see the list of participating restaurants, visit hearthshares.org.

To support ending homelessness, diners are invited to add $1 donation to your bill at participating restaurants. Hear from chefs Ming Tsai, Tiffani Faison, and others why they're supporting Hearth Shares this holiday season.

Bon Appetit!

Hearth Shares is generously supported by